Test modelling - Activity of representing system/feature under test as a model.
A sample hierarchy
Entities/Objects/Users (Roles)
Dependencies between objects
Relationships - IS A and HAS A (Type and containment)
One to one, One to Many
Properties (variables and constants)
Values (domain) of properties
Default values, boundaries of values
Combinations of Values to create test scenarios
Object - Action - State Change.
List actions on each objects.
Create a map of what will happen when an action on object happens
Simultaneous actions
Dead locks
how do we use BB design techniques
EQ partitioning
State machine
Decision Tree
Take a par of variables and create a Grid.
GUI Testing check lists (applicable to new GUI)
Static vs Dynamic Models
Model - when nothing is happening. No user interaction
Dynamic - when users are interacting
Time element
It might help to user Object Oriented Design to represent above idea.
There are objects - have properties and functions.
Nouns and Verbs
System will have objects/entities. Objects have properties, properties can be constant or variable.
Take each variable - explore the domain of the variable. See what kind of values it can take and
String these variable values into test scenarios.
This act of modeling - goes through iterations. It's like a photo film negative development. With each iteration - various features of system start showing up.
Idea of Test coverage -
Imagine a 2 D shape - area of features in two dimensions.
Covering area means exercising the walking through the area.
how about Volume ? 3rd dimension - features and values