Thursday, September 07, 2006

Ask James Bach - a question on Testing...

James Bach has a post on his blog inviting questions on Testing. This open invitation comes with a rider ... only *interesting* questions will be answered, rest will ignored and best ones will be *awarded* with James writing a whole new blog post on it. I am still thinking on coming up with a question that will make James to write a seperate Blog post - that will be a real question.

Just to remind you the commenting policies on James' blog --- Any comments that makes to his blog post (after moderation) are considered to be useful to the readers of the blog (as endorsed by James himself).In my opinion that is a like "treat" to me when my comment makes it to comments list.

So what are you waiting for ... Just grab the opportunity ... Ask James a nice question on Testing ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The challenge with you, Shrini, is that you ask such BIG questions. You recently asked an important question about test estimation on my blog. I'm struggling to answer it, because A) it's a very good question that I want to answer, and B) to do justice to it I have to write an entire article! Maybe several articles!

I just hope you are patient.